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Alumni Testimonies about Vision Pathways

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"Through Vision Pathways, I have grown in my understanding of God and my need for community. I have grown to delight in worshiping God, and I have begun to realize how community brings glory to God's name. I have grown into recognizing God's inherent worth and His desire for me to make His name known." - Lindsey Lantz, 2010-2011  

"My vision has grown so much while doing Vision Pathways.  It has become clear to me that God’s plan for redemption is much greater than just spending a year living on one of the impoverished streets of downtown Augusta. I have seen that the work of redeeming a city comes through much perseverance  and sacrifice.  Being out of college and working a job has unveiled my need to have a close community of Christians who share this vision. Without them encouraging me, and fighting this fight with me, I know that I could quickly sink into a nominal life of claiming Christianity and being “good” but with no real effective ministry.  I now see more clearly my need for the fellowship of other Christians."

- Wyatt Mobley, 2010-2011

"The vision I gained from being a part of Vision Pathways isn't one I expected to get. I proposed, maybe by the end of my eleven months in VP, I would have grand ideas of how to curb urban hunger, illiteracy and maybe some art movement that would change the barren walls of every storefront downtown. Looking back on those eleven months, I saw stirrings in my heart for those things, sure, but what vision I caught was a lot more specific for my own life and walk. The Lord showed me so much about who I am as a person, who he made me to be, what he has called me to do and be as a woman, a woman who is his daughter--no matter where I live, where I am laboring, or who I am with. I learned what it means to walk with Him more independently, how to love Jesus outside of college and in a work place, how to make that relationship with Him one of longevity. While being downtown brought a lot of vision for the inner city, it has been the lessons God taught me about myself that have catapulted me into walking with Jesus forever in adulthood."

- Meghann Williams, 2011-2012

"While in college, I learned a lot about discipling men and growing as a leader for God's kingdom. But I also knew that life outside a college campus is VASTLY different - but I only wish I had known just HOW different!!!!

Vision Pathways helped me transition with a Gospel mindset into the real world, and has built for me a foundation that is launching me into an evangilistic lifestyle for the rest of my life. Whether it's at work, or where I live, Christ is Lord over all and as his child, Romans 8:28 has become more and more real to me in all things."

- Caleb Rule, 2011-2012

"Acts 20:24 says, 'However I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race, and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying to the Gospel of God’s grace.'

No matter what stage of life I’m in I want to continue the task Jesus Christ has given me, proclaiming the truth about Him. I want to learn how to pursue opportunities and how to proclaim the Gospel in the city I live in as well as in my career. I want to learn what it means to be a part of the Church. I chose Vision Pathways as my next step, because I want to strategically place myself in an environment that encourages me to proclaim the truth about Christ to myself and others."
- Anna Astudillo, 2012-2013

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